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    喜/恶 喜/恶喜/恶 like ;love ;be fond of ;be keen on; be crazy about ;adore ;be into prefer;enjoy; in favor of ;dislike ;hate ;be awful/disgusting ;ignore ;turn off【详细解析】
    判断 判断判断 think ;believe; consider ;find; feel; conclude; infer ;doubt【详细解析】
    到达 到达到达 arrive at ;reach ;return to; get to; stay in sp ;visit ;leave ;leave for;on one’s way to ;upon one’s arrival; on doing sth【详细解析】
    受伤 受伤受伤 hurt; injured ;wound ;cut ;kill;drown; bleed ;get burnt ;suffer from;suffer a loss【详细解析】
    损坏 损坏损坏 damage ;destroy; ruin; break down ;be broken ;crash【详细解析】
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