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one after another 一个接一个 The guests came one after another. 客人们陆续来了。 The boys jumped into the pool one after another. 孩子们相继地跳进游泳池里。 One after another rose to speak and pulled all his arguments to pieces. 他们纷纷起来发言,把他驳得体无完肤。 That guy achieved his present success by selling his friends, one after another, down the river. 那个家伙靠着一个又一个地出卖自己的朋友而取得了今日的成功。 The lights went out one after another. 电灯一个接一个灭了。 It was the time of break and students came out of classroom one after another. 现在是休息时间,学生们一个接一个走出教室。
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